KTCU sends a huge thank you to long-time listener Craig V. for donating TONS of delicious, retro CDs to the station. His taste in music is just like ours…very good & very diverse! They have found a good home at the station, and we intend on sharing some with listeners in “on-air giveaways” soon.
All the way from Asheville, North Carolina Natural Born Leaders made the trek to KTCU to join us for an interview and perform a few songs acoustically for your listening enjoyment. They are playing at Dan’s Silverleaf in Denton, TX on November 20th at 8PM.Take a listen and go see them live!
Adam Elk from The Mommyheads joins Janice, Geoff and Tim to discuss the latest Mommyheads album, the life of an artist, college radio, family life and what instruments your kids should play.
Local pop diva Yokyo, formerly known as Devi, joins us in studio to talk her new self-titled EP, her release show at Ridglea Theater, why she changed her name and more.
The guys from Meach Pango came by to release their new single, Built For the Tilt and talk about their new album, playing Fortress Festival and how you can get Meached!
KTCU was featured in this week’s Fort Worth Weekly. The article was written by a TCU alum Eric Grubbs. Give it a read and let us know what you thought. School Sounds – FW Weekly Article on KTCU
Be sure to check out this month’s TCU Magazine feature story on the radio station, KTCU Celebrates 70 Years.